The Eruv status is:  Unknown for

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Where does the Skokie Eruv connect to the Peterson Park / West Rogers Park Eruv?
A. The Skokie Eruv’s southern boundary is the Lincolnwood/Peterson Park Eruv’s northern boundary. The Eruv border runs along the Skokie Swift train tracks (between Oakton St and Howard St). North of the train tracks is the Skokie Eruv. South of the train tracks is the Lincolnwood/Peterson Park Eruv. You may carry from Skokie into Lincolnwood/Peterson Park via McCormick Blvd, East Prairie Rd, Crawford Ave, and Kostner Ave. The border between the Lincolnwood/Peterson Park Eruv and the West Rogers Park (WRP) Eruv runs along the east side of the North Shore Channel. You may carry from the Lincolnwood/Peterson Park Eruv into the (WRP) Eruv via the Howard, Touhy and Devon bridges that cross the channel.
Q. Can I carry on McCormick Blvd on both the East and West sides of the street on Shabbos?
A. Yes! Both sides of McCormick Blvd and the bike/walking path are in the Eruv. Please verify that both the Lincolnwood/Peterson Park Eruv and Skokie Eruv are operational before walking from one to the other.
Q. Can I carry while walking along Skokie Blvd?
A. You may carry along Skokie Blvd from south of Golf Rd until Oakton St. However, the Eruv ends at Oakton St., so you may not carry into Lincolnwood/Peterson Park via Skokie Blvd.
Q. What else do I need to know about carrying from Skokie to West Rogers Park on Shabbos?
A. You may NOT carry from Skokie into Evanston to get to West Rogers Park. The eastern border of the Skokie Eruv runs along the western side of the North Shore Channel. You may NOT carry across the Golf, Church, Dempster, Main or Oakton bridges. In order to carry from Skokie into West Rogers Park, you must walk down McCormick Blvd, East Prairie Rd, Crawford Ave or Kostner Ave. You may NOT go farther east than the bike/walking path at any point from Golf Rd to Oakton St.
Q. How will I know if the Skokie Eruv, West Rogers Park Eruv and Lincolnwood/Peterson Park Eruv are up on a weekly basis? What phone numbers can I call to see if they are up?
A. To check if the Skokie Eruv is up, call (847) 679-3788 or go to www.skokieeruv.com. To check if the West Rogers Park Eruv is up, call (773) 743-7882 or go to http://chicagoeruv.tripod.com. To check if the Peterson Park/ Lincolnwood Eruv is up, call (847) 677-3788. It is the responsibility of each person on a weekly basis to verify that the Eruv is operational before Shabbos.

Skokie Eruv Connection to Peterson Park/ West Rogers Park Eruvs

Green Arrows show North/South Streets that we can now walk through between Skokie & Peterson Park/ West Rogers Park and still remain within the confines of the Eruv

View Skokie Eruv in a larger map (opens in a new window)

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